Simo Hosio
I've pioneered methods, investigated the labour available in the online marketplaces, and investigated their suitability for many novel use cases.
I founded the Crowd Computing research group in 2020 and raised nearly two million USD of funding to support our work
HCI & Digital Health
I'm an expert in HCI (various UX aspects, bot in the lab and in the field). I've focused recently on digital health & chronic health conditions.
Teaching (selected)
Human-Computer Interaction
Responsible teacher 2019 - 2024; Topics covered: UX research, design, empathizing with users, Adobe XD, Figma. 240 students in 2024.
Social Computing
Responsible teacher 2018 - 2021; Analysing and designing social software, crowdsourcing, user studies. Approximately 60 students annually.
Applied Computing
Responsible teacher 2015 - 2018; Project-based software engineering projects, web and mobile. Approximately 50 students annually
Google Scholar for an updated list...
Oppenlaender J, Malacria S, Fang X, van Berkel N, Chevalier F, Yatani K & Hosio S (2025)
Meta-HCI: First Workshop on Meta-Research in HCI
A workshop organized at ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '2025)
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2025)
Keeping Score: A Quantitative Analysis of How the CHI Community Appreciates Its Milestones
Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '2025), to appear
Shixian G, Inayoshi R, Yang CL, Sramek Z, Umeda Y, Kasahara C, Sato AJ, Hosio S & Yatani K (2025)
Beyond the Dialogue: Multi-chatbot Group Motivational Interviewing for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Management
Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '2025), to appear
Djernæs HB, Jacobsen RM, Hosio S & Van Berkel N (2025)
Visual Augmentations for Ultrasound Assessment Training of Medical Students
Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '2025), to appear
Zheng J, Wang X, Hosio S, Xu X & Lee LH (2025)
LMLPA: Language Model Linguistic Personality Assessment
Computational Linguistics (2025)
Lee HL, Zhou P, Chang C & Hosio S (2025)
What if we have Meta GPT? Content Singularity and Human-Metaverse Interaction in AIGC Era
In Nam CS, Song D, & Jeong H (Eds.), Human-Centered Metaverse: Concepts, Methods, and Applications. Elsevier.
Ravishan K, Szabó D, Van Berkel N, Visuri A, Yang CL, Yatani K & Hosio S (2024)
From Voice to Value: Leveraging AI to Enhance Spoken Online Reviews on the Go
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM ’24)
Kallio J, Kinnula A, Mäkelä SM, Järvinen S, Räsänen P, Hosio S & Bordallo MB (2024)
Lessons From 3 Longitudinal Sensor-Based Human Behavior Assessment Field Studies and an Approach to Support Stakeholder Management: Content Analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)
Xu A, Fang S, Yang H, Hosio S & Yatani K (2024)
Examining Human Perception of Generative Content Replacement in Image Privacy Protection
In Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24)
Herneoja A, Rönkkö E, Haapakangas A & Hosio S (2024)
Towards environmental analysis for indoor office spaces. Interdisciplinary approach to quantified photo analysis
In Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR ’24)
Van Berkel N, Visuri A, Shalawadi S, Evans MR, Tag B & Hosio S (2024)
From Reflection to Action: Enhancing Workplace Well-being through Digital Solutions
Interacting with Computers, to appear (IwC)
Kuutila M, Rantala L, Li Ju, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2024)
What Makes Programmers Laugh? Exploring the Submissions of the Subreddit r/ProgrammerHumor
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2024)
Alorwu A, van Berkel N, Visuri A, Suryanarayana SA, Yoshihiro T & Hosio S (2024)
Monetary Valuation of Personal Health Data in the Wild
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)
Kuutila M, Kiili C, Kupiainen R, Huusko E, Li J, Hosio S, Mäntylä M, Coiro J & Kiili K (2024)
Revealing complexities when adult readers engage in the credibility evaluation of social media posts
Computers in Human Behaviour (CHB)
Mourelatos E, Simonen J, Hosio S, Likhobaba D, Ustalov D (2024)
How has the COVID-19 pandemic shaped behavior in crowdsourcing? The role of online labor market training
Journal of Business Economics (JBE)
Xu A, Zhou Z, Miyazaki K, Yoshikawa R, Hosio S & Yatani K (2024)
DIPA2: An Image Dataset with Cross-cultural Privacy Perception Annotations
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
**Distinguished Paper Award
Wester J, Pohl H, Hosio S & Van Berkel N (2024)
"This Chatbot Would Never…": Perceived Moral Agency of Mental Health Chatbots
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW), to appear
Lee LH, Hosio S, Braud T & Zhou P (2024)
A Roadmap Toward Metaversity: Recent Developments and Perspectives in Education
In: Liu D, Huang R, Metwally AHS, Tlili A, Fan Lin E. (eds) Application of the Metaverse in Education. Smart Computing and Intelligence. Springer
Paananen V, Kiarostami S, Lee LH, Braudt T & Hosio S (2023)
From Digital Media to Empathic Spaces: A Systematic Review of Empathy Research in Extended Reality Environments
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR).
Herneoja A, Rönkkö E, Haapakangas A, Malve-Ahlroth S, Oikarinen E & Hosio S (2023)
Interdisciplinary approach to defining outdoor places of knowledge work: Quantified photo analysis
Frontiers in Psychology.
Kuosmanen E, Huusko E, Van Berkel N, Nunes F, Vega J, Goncalves J, Khamis M, Esteves A, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring Crowdsourced Self-Care Techniques: A Study on Parkinson’s Disease
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS).
Kheirinejad S, Visuri A, Suryanarayana S & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring mHealth Applications for Self-Management of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Survey of Features and Benefits
Paananen V, Kuosmanen E, Lehtinen S & Hosio S (2023)
“See the Place with Different Eyes”: Fostering Empathy by Communicating Spatial Experience
In Proceedings of the ACM Media Architecture Biannale, (MAB).
Van Berkel N, Shalawadi S, Evans MR, Visuri A & Hosio S (2023)
A Longitudinal Analysis of Real-World Self-Report Data
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (INTERACT).
**Reviewers’ Choice Award
Yoshihiro T & Hosio S (2023)
Simulation-based IoT Stream Data Pricing Incorporating Seller Competition and Buyer Demands
IEEE Access
Sramek Z, Sato AJ, Zhou Z, Hosio S & Yatani K (2023)
SoundTraveller: Exploring Abstraction and Entanglement in Timbre Creation Interfaces for Synthesizers
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
Paananen V, Kiarostami S, Lee LH, Visuri A, Kheirinejad S & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring Situated Empathy through a Metaverse Campus
In Proceedings of Mindtrek (Academic) 2023
Li J, Kuutila M, Huusko E, Kariyakarawana N, Savic M, Ahooie NN, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2023)
Assessing Credibility Factors of Short-Form Social Media Posts: A Crowdsourced Online Experiment
In Proceedings of the CHItaly 2023
Paananen V, Visuri A, Van Berkel N & Hosio S (2023)
Eliciting Empathy towards Urban Accessibility Issues
In Proceedings of the CHItaly 2023
Norihama S, Miyazaki S, Geng S, Shimojima G, Sato A, Hosio S & Yatani K (2023)
Evaluation of Input Methods in Chatbots for Interactive Stress Management (Japanese only)
Moilanen J, Van Berkel N, Visuri A, Gadiraju U, Van der Maden W & Hosio S (2023)
Supporting Mental Health Self-Care Discovery Through a Chatbot
Frontiers in Digital Health – Digital Mental Health
Li J, Paananen V, Suryanarayana SA, Huusko E, Kuutila M, Mäntylä M & Hosio S (2023)
It’s Not the Real World, I Don’t Care Much: Investigating Twitter Profile Credibility Using an Online Tool
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR)
Xu A, Zhou Z, Miyazaki K, Yoshikawa R, Hosio S & Yatani K (2023)
DIPA: An Image Dataset with Cross-cultural Privacy Concern Annotations
In the Open Science Track (Companion Proceedings) of the ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)
Moilanen J, Visuri A, Suryanarayana SA, Alorwu A, Yatani K & Hosio S (2022)
Measuring the Effect of Chatbot Personality on User Engagement
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM ’22)
Kuosmanen E, Visuri A, Roosa R & Hosio S (2022)
Comparing consumer grade sleep trackers for research purposes: A field study
In Frontiers in Computing Science
Kheirinejad S, Visuri A, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2022)
“Leave Your Smartphone Out of Bed”: Quantitative Analysis of Smartphone Use on Sleep Quality
In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Kheirinejad S, Alorwu A, Visuri A & Hosio S (2022)
Contrasting the Expectations and Experiences of Mobile Health Use on Chronic Pain: A Questionnaire Study
In Journal of Medical Internet Research: Human Factors (JMIR JHF)
Kuosmanen E, Visuri A, Kheirinejad S, van Berkel N, Koskimäki H, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2022)
How Does Sleep Tracking Influence Your Life? Experiences from a Longitudinal Field Study with a Wearable Ring*
In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (Mobile HCI ’22)
* Best Paper Honourable Mention Award
Asare KO, Moshe I, Terhorst Y, Vega J, Hosio S, Baumaister H, Pulkki-Råback L & Ferreira D (2022)
Mood ratings and digital biomarkers from smartphone and wearable data differentiates and predicts depression status: A longitudinal data analysis
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Alorwu A, Visuri A, van Berkel N & Hosio S (2022)
(Re)using Crowdsourced Health Data: Perceptions of Data Contributors
IEEE Software
Lee HL, Bermejo C, Alhilal A, Braud T, Hosio S, De Haas E & Hui P (2022)
Beyond the Blue Sky of Multimodal Interaction: A Centennial Vision of Interplanetary Virtual Spaces in Turn-based Metaverse
In Adj. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (Blue Sky Track)
Kiarostami MS, Daneshvaramoli M, Monfared SK, Karisani H, Visuri A, Hosio S, Rahmati D & Gorgin S (2022)
A Study on non-Overlapping Multi-Agent Pathfinding
In Proceedings of the Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC’22)
Herneoja A, Ruohomäki V, Haapakangas A, Markkanen P, Hosio S, Virkkala J & Rauttola AP (2022)
In search of bridging knowledge between disciplines: About spatial solutions to environmental satisfaction in knowledge work
In Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR ’22)
Markkanen P, Paananen V, Hosio S & Herneoja A (2022)
Dynamic experience sampling method for evaluating workplace experiences*
In Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR ’22)
**Best Paper Award
Alorwu A, Savage S, van Berkel N, Ustalov D, Drutsa A, Oppenlaender J, Bates O, Hettiachchi D, Gadiraju U, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2022)
Reimagining Global Crowdsourcing for Better Human-AI Collaboration (REGROW)
A Workshop at The CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22)
Hui P, Braud T, Lee LH, Zhou P & Hosio S (2022)
METABUILD: First Workshop for Building the Foundations of the Metaverse
A Workshop at IEEE VR 2022
Alorwu A, Visuri A & Hosio S (2022)
Initial Experiences with Longitudinal Self-Tracking of Sleep and Low Back Pain
In the workshop Healthy Interfaces (HEALTHI) in the ACM IUI 2022 (IUI’22)
Moilanen J, Visuri A, Kuosmanen E, Alorwu A & Hosio S (2022)
Designing Personalities for Mental Health Conversational Agents
In the workshop Healthy Interfaces (HEALTHI) in the ACM IUI 2022 (IUI’22)
Kiarostami S, Visuri A & Hosio S (2022)
We Are Oulu: Exploring Situated Empathy through a Communal Virtual Reality Experience
Adj. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR’22)
Paananen V, Oppenlaender J, Goncalves J, Hettiachchi D & Hosio S (2021)
Investigating Human Scale Spatial Experience
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (ISS)
Oppenlaender J, Kuosmanen E, Lucero A & Hosio S (2021) – pdf
Hardhats and Bungaloos: Comparing Crowdsourced Design Feedback with Peer Design Feedback in the Classroom
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI’21)
Haddington P, Hirvonen N, Hosio S, Kinnula M, Malmberg J, Seyfi S, Simonen J, Ahola S, Cortés Orduna M, Enwald H, Haukipuro L, Heikkinen M, Hermes J, Huikari S, Iivari N, Järvelä S, Kanste O, Kokkola L, Kunnari S, Kääriäinen K, Muukkonen-van der Meer H, Nätti S, Oittinen T, Oloff F, Räisänen T, Saarinen J, Sánchez I, Siira H, Stevenson B, Suorsa A, Svento R, Toikkanen J, Ylioja J & Zabolotna K (2021)
GenZ White Paper: Strengthening Human Competences in the Emerging Digital Era[White Paper].
University of Oulu.
Lee LH, Braud T, Hosio S & Hui P (2021) – pdf
Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges
ACM Computing Surveys
Kiarostami MS, Daneshvaramoli M, Monfared SK, Visuri A, Karisani H, Hosio S, Khashehchi H, Futuhi E, Rahmati D & Gorgin S (2021) – pdf
On Using Monte-Carle Tree Search to Solve Puzzles
In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Technology Applications (ICCTA’21)
Alorwu A, Kheirinejad S, Van berkel N, Kinnula M, Ferreira D, Visuri A & Hosio S (2021) – pdf
Assessing MyData Scenarios: Ethics, Concerns, and the Promise
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI’21)
Kiarostami MS, Monfared SK, Daneshvaramoli M, Yousefian N, Massoud M, Visuri A, Hosio S, Rahmati D & Gorgin S (2021)
Unlucky Explorer: A Complete non-Overlapping Map Exploration
In Proceedings of the ACM World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE’21)
Hettiachchi D, Sanderson M, Golcalves J, Hosio S, Kazai G, Lease M, Schaekermann M & Yilmaz E (2021)
Investigating and Mitigating Biases in Crowdsourced Data.
A workshop in the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW’21)
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2021)
Towards a Requester-centered Study on the Use of ‘Bots’ for Completing Tasks
Work in Progress / Demo at AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’21)
Van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Russo D, Hosio S & Skov MB (2021) – pdf
Effect of Information Presentation on Fairness Perceptions of Machine Learning Predictors
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI’21)
Paananen V, Markkanen P, Oppenlaender J, Hang Lee L, Akmar H, Fatah gen Schieck A, van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Dunham J, Papangelis Konstantinos, Lalone N & Hosio S (2021) – pdf
2VT: Visions, Technologies, and Visions of Technologies for Understanding Human Scale Spaces
A Workshop at The CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21)
Wijenayake S, Hettiachchi D, Hosio S, Kostakos V & Goncalves J (2021) – pdf
Effect of Conformity on Perceived Trustworthiness of News in Social Media
IEEE Internet Computing
Klakegg S, Asare KO, van Berkel N, Visuri A, Ferreira E, Hosio S, Goncalves J, Huttunen HL & Ferreira D (2020) – pdf
CARE: Context-awareness for elderly care
Health Technologies 11, 2021
Oppenlaender J, Milland K, Visuri A, Ipeirotis P & Hosio S (2020) – pdf
Creativity on Paid Crowdsourcing Platforms
In Proc. The CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20)
Kuosmanen E, Kan V, Visuri A, Hosio S & Ferreira D (2020) – pdf
Let’s Draw: Detecting and Measuring Parkinson’s Disease on Smartphones
In Proc. The CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20)
Hosio S, van Berkel N, Oppenlaender J & Goncalves J (2020) – pdf
Crowdsourcing Personalized Weight Loss Diets
IEEE Computer 53
Kuosmanen E, Buis L, Wolling F, Vega J, Kan V, Nishiyama Y, Harper S, van Laerhoven L, Hosio S, & Ferreira D (2020) – pdf
Smartphone-Based Monitoring of Parkinson Disease: Quasi-Experimental Study to Quantify Hand Tremor Severity and Medication Effectiveness
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Oppenlaender J, Tiropanis T & Hosio S (2020) – pdf
CrowdUI: Supporting Web Design with the Crowd
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4, EICS, Article 76
Van Berkel N, Tag B, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2020)
Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence: A Contextual Morality Perspective – pdf
Behaviour & Information Technology
Hettiachchi D, Wijenayake S, Hosio S, Kostakos V & Goncalves J (2020) – pdf
How Context Influences Cross-Device Task Acceptance in Crowd Work
Proceedings of the 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’20)
Hosio S & van Berkel N (2020) – pdf
COGNET: The Planetary Cognition Delivery Network
Blue Sky Ideas track, in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’20).
van Berkel N, Papachristos L, Giachanou A, Hosio S & Skov MB (2020) – pdf
A Systematic Assessment of National Artificial Intelligence Policies: Perspectives from the Nordics and Beyond
In Proc. The nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’20)
Oppenlaender J, Visuri A, Milland K, Ipeirotis P & Hosio S (2020) – pdf
What do crowd workers think about creative work?
In Workshop on Worker-Centered Design: Expanding HCI Methods for Supporting Labor (CHI’20)
Alorwu A, van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Oppenlaender J, Bordallo ML, Seetharaman M & Hosio S (2020) – pdf
Crowdsourcing Sensitive Data using Public Displays – Opportunities, Challenges and Considerations
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Wac C, Hosio S & Cox AL (2020) – pdf
Human Accuracy in Mobile Data Collection
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Hosio S, Sarsenbayeva Z, Velloso E & Kostakos V (2020) – pdf
Overcoming Compliance Bias in Self-Report Studies: A Cross-Study Analysis
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Hettiachchi D, van Berkel N, Hosio S, Lopez MB, Kostakos V & Goncalves J (2020) – pdf
Augmenting Automated Kinship Verification with Targeted Human Input.
In Proc. of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2020 (PACIS’20)
Hosio S, Alorwu A, van Berkel N, Bordallo M, Seetharaman M, Oppenlaender J & Goncalves J (2019)
Fueling AI with Public Displays? A Feasibility Study of Collecting Biometrically Tagged Consensual Data on a University Campus
In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2019 (PerDis’19).
Oppenlaender J, Kuosmanen E, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2019)
Search Support for Exploratory Writing
In Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (INTERACT ’19).
Oppenlaender J, Shireen N, Mackeprang M, Erhan H, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2019)
Crowd-powered Interfaces for Creative Design Thinking
In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C’19).
Oppenlaender J, Mackeprang M, Khiat A, Vukovic M, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2019)
DC2S2: Designing Crowd-powered Creativity Support Systems
An organized workshop in the 2019 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’19 EA)
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2019)
Towards Eliciting Feedback for Artworks on Public Displays
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition, C&C ’19, New York, NY, USA, 2019.
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2019)
Design Recommendations for Augmenting Creative Tasks with Computational Priming
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM ’19).
Kostakos P, Alavesa P, Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2019)
VR Ethnography: A pilot study on the use of virtual reality ‘go-along’ interviews in Google Street View
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM ’19).
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2019)
Supporting Creative Work with Crowd Feedback Systems
In Proceedings of the DC2S2 Workshop on Designing Crowd-powered Creativity Support Systems, in CHI 2019
Oppenlaender J & Hosio S (2019)
Experizone: Integrating Situated Scientific Experimentation with Teaching of the Scientific Method
In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’19 EA)
van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Tag B & Hosio S (2019)
Contextual Morality for Human-Centered Machine Learning
In ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI’19 EA), in the workshop on Where is the Human in AI? Bridging the Gap Between AI and HCI
Raulamo-Jurvanen P, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2019)
Applying Surveys and Interviews in Software Test Tool Evaluation
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (Profes).
Goncalves J, Hosio S, van Berkel N & Klakegg S (2019)
Addressing Cooperation Issues in Situated Crowdsourcing
In book: Macrotask Crowdsourcing: Engaging the Crowds to Address Complex Problems, Springer Human–Computer Interaction Series.
van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Lovén L, Ferreira D, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2019)
Effect of Experience Sampling Schedules on Response Rate and Recall Accuracy of Objective Self-Reports
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Hettiachchi D, van Berkel N, Hosio S, Kostakos V & Goncalves J (2019)
Effect of Cognitive Abilities on Crowdsourcing Task Performance
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT’19).
Raulamo-Jurvanen P, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2019)
Practitioner Evaluations on Software Testing Tools
In Proceedings of Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE’19)
van Berkel , Goncalves J, Koval P, Hosio S, Dingler T, Ferreira D & Kostakos V (2019)
Context-Informed Scheduling and Analysis: Improving Accuracy of Mobile Self-Reports
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019 (CHI’19)
van Berkel N, Hosio S, Tag B & Goncalves J (2019)
Capturing Contextual Morality: Applying Game Theory on Smartphones
Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp’19 EA)
Hosio S, Karppinen J, Takala EP, Takatalo J, Goncalves J, van Berkel N, Konomi S & Kostakos V (2018)
Crowdsourcing Treatments for Low Back Pain
Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018)
Hosio S, Karppinen J, van Berkel N, Oppenlaender J & Goncalves J (2018)
Mobile Decision Support and Data Provisioning for Low Back Pain
IEEE Computer, 51(8).
Hosio S, Goncalves J, van Berkel N, Klakegg S, Konomi S & Kostakos V (2018)
Facilitating Collocated Crowdsourcing on Situated Displays
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Vol 33.
Bordallo LM, Hadid A, Boutellaa E, Goncalves J, Kostakos V & Hosio S (2018)
Kinship Verification from Facial Images and Videos: Human vs. Machine
Machine Vision and Applications.
Konomi S, Sasao T, Hosio S & Sezaki K (2018)
Using Ambient WiFi Signals to Find Occupied and Vacant Houses in Local Communities
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Oppenlaender J, Asare KO & Hosio S (2018)
CampusTracker: Assessing Mobile Workers’ Momentary Willingness to Work on Paid Crowdsourcing Tasks
Adjunct Proc. of International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2018)
Kostakos P, Pandya A, Oussalah M, Hosio S, Breidbach C, Kostakos V, van Berkel N (2018)
Correlating refugee border crossings with Internet search data
Proc. IEEE Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI 2018)
Klakegg S, Goncalves J, Luo C, Visuri A, Popov A, van Berkel N, Sarsenbayeva Z, Kostakos V, Hosio S, Savage S, Bykov A, Meglinski I & Ferreira D (2018)
Assisted Medication Management in Elderly Care Using Miniaturised Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Proc. of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
** Distinguished Paper Award
Goncalves J, Klakegg S, van Berkel N & Hosio S (2018)
Facilitating Analysis of Big Data on Reddit via an Easy to Use Visualisation Tool
Proc. the 32nd British Human Computer Interaction Conference (B-HCI’18)
van Berkel N, Hosio S, Goncalves J, Katarzyna W, Kostakos V & Cox A (2018)
Mobile Human Contributions: Opportunities and Challenges (MHC’18)
Workshop in UbiComp 2018
van Berkel N, Hosio S, Goncalves J & Kostakos V (2018)
Informed Diet Selection: Increasing Food Literacy through Crowdsourcing
In ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI 2018 EA), International Workshop on Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures.
Goncalves J, Hosio S, van Berkel N, Ahmed F & Kostakos V (2017)
CrowdPickUp: Crowdsourcing Task Pickup in the Wild
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT).
van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2017)
Gamification of Mobile Experience Sampling Improves Data Quality and Quantity
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT).
Anagnostopoulos T, Garcia JC, Goncalves J, Ferreira D, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2017)
Environmental Exposure Assessment Using Indoor/Outdoor Detection on Smartphones
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21(4).
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Vukovic M & Konomi S (2017)
Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 102
Goncalves J, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2017)
Eliciting Structured Knowledge from Situated Crowd Markets
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 17(2).
Goncalves J, Sarsenbayeva Z, van Berkel N, Luo C, Hosio S, Rissanen S, Rintamäki H & Kostakos V (2017)
Tapping Task Performance on Smartphones in Cold Temperature
Interacting with Computers.
Berenguer A., Goncalves J, Hosio S, Ferreira D, Anagnostopoulos T & Kostakos V (2017)
Are Smartphones Ubiquitous? An In-depth Survey of Smartphone Adoption by Seniors
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
Gautama S, Atzmueller M, Kostakos V, Gillis D & Hosio S (2017)
Observing Human Activity Through Sensing
In: Vittorio Loreto, Muki Haklay, Andreas Hotho, Vito C.P. Servedio, Gerd Stumme, Jan Theunis, Francesca Tria (eds.) Understanding Complex Systems: Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer, 2017
Kostakos V, Rogstadius J, Ferreira D, Hosio S & Goncalves J (2017)
Human Sensors
In: Vittorio Loreto, Muki Haklay, Andreas Hotho, Vito C.P. Servedio, Gerd Stumme, Jan Theunis, Francesca Tria (eds.) Understanding Complex Systems: Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer
Visuri A, Hosio S & Ferreira D (2017)
Exploring Mobile Ad Formats to Increase Brand Recollection and Enhance User Experience
Proc. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2017).
Hosio S (2017)
A Mobile Application Concept to Harvest Contextual Data for Low Back Pain Research
In the International Workshop on Smart Sensing Systems (IWSSS 2017)
Klakegg S, van Berkel N, Visuri A, Huttunen HL, Hosio S, Luo C, Goncalves J & Ferreira D (2017)
Designing a context-aware assistive infrastructure for elderly care
In a workshop, in proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
Klakegg S, van Berkel N, Visuri A, Luo C, Goncalves J, Hosio S, Huttunen H, & Ferreira D (2017)
Informing Caregivers Through an Assistive Tool: An Investigation of Elderly Care Metrics
Proc. 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017).
Klakegg S, Goncalves J, van Berkel N, Luo C, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2017)
Towards Commoditised Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Proc. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2017)
Konomi S, Sasao T, Hosio S & Sezaki K (2017)
Exploring the Use of Ambient WiFi Signals to Find Vacant Houses
Proc. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2017)
**Best Paper Award
Liu Y, Ferreira D, Goncalves J, Hosio S, Pandab P & Kostakos V (2016)
Donating Context Data to Science: The Effects of Social Signals and Perceptions on Action-Taking
Interacting with Computers.
Hosio S, Kukka H, Goncalves J, Kostakos V & Ojala T (2016)
Toward Meaningful Engagement on Pervasive Displays
IEEE Pervasive Computing.
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Liu Y & Kostakos V (2016)
Worker Performance in a Situated Crowdsourcing Market
Interacting with Computers.
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Vukovic M, Konomi S & Lee U (2016)
WMSC ’16: Second Workshop on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing
Adjunct Proc. of International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016)
Kostakos V, Ferreira D, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2016)
Modelling Smartphone Usage: A Markov State Transition Model
In Proc.International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016)
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Anagnostopoulos T & Kostakos V (2016)
Leveraging Wisdom of the Crowd for Decision Support
In Proc. British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI)
Hosio S, Goncalves J, van Berkel N & Klakegg S (2016)
Crowdsourcing Situated & Subjective Knowledge for Decision Support
Adjunct Proc. of UbiComp 2016
Klakegg S, Luo C, Goncalves J, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2016)
Instrumenting Smartphones with Portable NIRS
Adjunct Proc. of UbiComp 2016
van Berkel N, Kopytin S, Hosio S, Malmberg J, Järvenoja H & Kostakos V (2016)
Measuring Group Dynamics in an Elementary School Setting Using Mobile Devices
Adjunct Proc.of UbiComp 2016
van Berkel N, Hosio S, Durkee T, Carli V, Wasserman D & Kostakos V (2016)
Providing Patient Context to Mental Health Professionals Using Mobile Applications
Adjunct Proc. of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016 (CHI 2016 EA)
Hosio S, Ferreira D, Goncalves J, van Berkel N, Luo C, Ahmed M, Flores H & Kostakos V (2016)
Monetary Assessment of Battery Life on Smartphones
Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016)
van Berkel N, Luo C, Anagnostopoulos T, Ferreira D, Goncalves J, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2016)
A Systematic Assessment of Smartphone Usage Gaps
Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016)
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Rogstadius J, Karapanos E & Kostakos V (2015)
Motivating Participation and Improving Quality of Contribution in Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing
Computer Networks 90
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Kostakos V & Riekki J (2015)
Crowdsourcing Public Opinion using Urban Pervasive Technologies: Lessons from Real-Life Experiments in Oulu
Policy & Internet 7 (2)
Goncalves J, Liu Y, Xiao B, Chaudhry S, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2015)
Increasing the Reach of Government Social Media: A Case Study in Modeling Government–Citizen Interaction on Facebook
Policy & Internet 7(1)
Jones S, Ferreira D, Hosio S, Goncalves J & Kostakos V (2015)
Revisitation Analysis of Smartphone Use Habits
Proc. International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015)
Hosio S, Harper R, O’Hara K, Goncalves J & Kostakos V (2015)
Life through the Lens: A Qualitative Investigation of Human Behaviour with an Urban Photography Service
Proc. 2015 British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI) 2015
**Best Full Paper Award
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Kostakos V, Vukovic M & Konomi S (2015)
Workshop on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing
Adjunct Proc. of UbiComp 2015
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Ferreira D, Anagnostopoulos T & Kostakos V (2015)
Bazaar: A Situated Crowdsourcing Market
Adjunct Proc. of UbiComp 2015
Altakrouri B, Schrader A, Hosio S, Kindsmüller MC & Signer B. (2015)
Large-scale interaction deployment: approaches and challenges
Proc. of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2015)
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Kostakos V & Riekki J (2014)
Exploring Civic Engagement on Public Displays
In: Reddick, Christopher, G., Saaed, S. (eds.) Public Administration and Information Technology: User-Centric Technology Design for Nonprofit and Civic Engagements, Springer
Liu Y, Li H, Kostakos V, Goncalves J, Hosio S & Hu F (2014)
An Empirical Investigation of Mobile Government Adoption in Rural China: A Case Study in Zhejiang Province
Government Information Quarterly 31(3)
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Liu Y & Kostakos V (2014)
Eliciting Situated Feedback: A Comparison of Paper, Web Forms and Public Displays
Displays 35(1)
Hosio S, Goncalves J & Kukka H (2014, invited keynote)
Situated Engagement and Virtual Services for a Smart City
In International Workshop on Service Oriented Smart Cities (SOSC) in IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA), Matsue, Japan, 2014
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Lehdonvirta V, Ferreira D & Kostakos V (2014)
Situated Crowdsourcing Using a Market Model
Proc. The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Hawaii, HI, US, 2014
Liu Y, Goncalves J, Ferreira D, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2014)
Identity Crisis of Ubicomp? Mapping 15 Years of the Field’s Development and Paradigm Change
Proc. International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Seattle, WA, US, 2014
Goncalves J, Liu Y, Xiao B, Chaundhry S, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2014)
A Case Study in Modelling Government-Citizen Interaction in Facebook
Proc. The Internet, Policy & Politics Conferences: Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy (IPP) 2014
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Kostakos V & Riekki J (2014)
Voices in the Noise: Crowdsourcing the Public Opinion using Open Pervasive Technologies
Proc. The Internet, Policy & Politics Conferences: Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy (IPP) 2014
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Kukka H, Chamberlain A & Malizia A (2014)
What’s in it for me: Exploring the Real-World Value Proposition of Pervasive Displays
Proc. International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014
Goncalves J, Hosio S, Ferreira D & Kostakos V (2014)
Game of Words: Tagging Places through Crowdsourcing on Public Displays
Proc. ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Vancouver, Canada, 2014
Liu Y, Goncalves J, Ferreira D, Xiao B, Hosio S & Kostakos V (2014)
CHI 1994-2013: Mapping two decades of intellectual progress through co-word analysis
Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2014 (CHI), Toronto, Canada, 2014
**Honorable Mention Award
Kostakos V, Juntunen T, Goncalves J, Hosio S & Ojala T (2013)
Where am I? – Location archetype keyword extraction from urban mobility patterns
Hosio S, Goncalves J, Kostakos V, Cheverst K & Rogers Y (2013)
Human interfaces for civic and urban engagement: HiCUE ’13 (**Workshop organized by the authors**)
Proc. International conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) adjunct publication, Zürich, Switzerland, 2013
Goncalves J, Ferreira D, Hosio S, Liu Y, Rogstadius J, Kukka H & Kostakos V (2013)
Crowdsourcing on the Spot: Altruistic use of Public Displays, Feasibility, Performance, and Behaviours
Proc. international conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), Zürich, Switzerland, 2013
Goncalves J, Kostakos V, Hosio S, Karapanos E & Lyra O (2013)
IncluCity: Using Contextual Cues to Raise Awareness on Environmental Accessibility
Proc. ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), Washington, US, 2013
Hosio S, Goncalves J & Kostakos V (2013)
Application Discoverability on Multipurpose Public Displays: Popularity Comes at a Price
Proc. International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis), Mountain View, CA, US, 2013
Ojala T, Vassilis K, Kukka H, Heikkinen T, Linden T, Jurmu M, Hosio S, Kruger F & Zanni D. (2012)
Multipurpose interactive public displays in the wild: Three years later
Computer, 45(5)
Alakärppä I, Jaakkola E & Hosio S (2012)
SNS as a Platform of the Activity Monitoring system for the Elderly
Proc. International Workshop on Advances in Personalized Healthcare Services, Wearable Mobile Monitoring, and Social Media Pervasive Technologies (APHS), Paris, France, 2012
Memarovic N, Elhart I, Langheinrich M, Rubegni E & Hosio S (2012)
Using Public Displays to Stimulate Passive Engagement, Active Engagement, and Discovery in Public Spaces
Proc. Media Architecture Biennale, Aarhus, Denmark, 2012
Hosio S, Vassilis K, Kukka H, Jurmu M, Riekki J & Ojala T (2012)
From School Food to Skate Parks in a few Clicks: Using Public Displays to Bootstrap Civic Engagement of the Young
Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), Newcastle, UK, 2012
Kukka H, Kostakos V, Ojala T, Ylipulli J, Suopajärvi T, Jurmu M & Hosio S (2011)
This is not classified: everyday information seeking and encountering in smart urban spaces
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Ojala T, Kukka H, Heikkinen T, Lindén T, Jurmu M, Hosio S & Kruger F (2011)
Engaging citizens and community with the UBI-hotspots
In: Foth M, Forlano L, Gibbs M & Satchell C (eds.) From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen – Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement, MIT Press
Jurmu M, Kukka H, Hosio S, Riekki J & Tarkoma S (2011)
Leasing Service for Networks of Interactive Public Displays in Urban Spaces
Proc. International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing conference (GPC), Oulu, Finland, 2011
Hosio S, Kukka H & Riekki J (2010)
Social Surroundings: Bridging the Virtual and Physical Divide
IEEE MultiMedia 17(2)
Ojala T, Kukka H, Lindén T, Heikkinen T, Jurmu M, Hosio S & Kruger F (2010)
UBI-hotspots: Open infrastructure for long-term large-scale pervasive computing research in real-world setting
The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), Demo track, Helsinki, Finland, 2010
Hosio S, Kukka H, Jurmu M, Ojala T & Riekki J (2010)
Enhancing Interactive Public Displays with Social Networking Services
Proc. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Limassol, Cyprus, 2010
Ojala T, Valkama V, Kukka H, Heikkinen T, Lindén T, Jurmu M, Kruger F & Hosio S (2010)
UBI-hotspots: Sustainable ecosystem infrastructure for real world urban computing research and business
Proc. International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES), Bangkok, Thailand, 2010
Heikkinen T, Lindén T, Ojala T, Kukka H, Jurmu M, & Hosio S (2010)
Lessons Learned from the Deployment and Maintentance of UBI-hotspots
Proc. Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE), Cebu, Philippines, 2010
Ojala T, Kukka H, Lindén T, Heikkinen T, Jurmu M, Hosio S & Kruger F (2010)
UBI-hotspot 1.0: Large-scale long-term deployment of interactive public displays in authentic setting in city center
Proc. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW), Barcelona, Spain, 2010
Ojala T, Kukka H, Heikkinen T, Lindén T, Jurmu M, Kruger F, Sasin S, Hosio S & Närhi P.(2010)
Open urban computing testbed
Proc. International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, Berlin, Germany, 2010
Hosio S, Jurmu M, Kukka H, Riekki J & Ojala T (2010)
Supporting Distributed Private and Public User Interface in Urban Environments
Proc. The Eleventh International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Annapolis, MD, US, 2010
**Best Paper Presentation award
Jurmu M, Kukka H, Ojala T, Hosio S, Heikkinen T, Lindén T & Riekki J (2009)
UBI Pilot 2009: Longitudinal living-lab deployment of a Network of Interactive Large Public Displays
Proc. Street Computing Workshop 2009 at 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (OZCHI), Melbourne, Australia, 2009
Hosio S, Kukka H & Riekki J (2008)
Leveraging Social Networking Services to Encourage Interaction in Public Spaces
Proc. The Seventh International ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Umeå, Sweden, 2008
Pirttikangas S, Fujinami K & Hosio S (2008)
Experiences on Data Collection Tools for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing
Proc. International Workshop on Sensorwebs, Databases and Mining in Networked Sensing Systems (SWDMNSS), Turku, Finland, 2008
Hosio S, Kawsar F, Riekki J & Nakajima T (2007)
DroPicks – A Tool for Collaborative Content Sharing Exploiting Everyday Artefacts
Proc. International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2007
Hosio S, Kawsar F, Riekki J. & Nakajima T (2007)
Utilizing Everyday Artefacts for Content Sharing
Proc. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, 2007
Salminen T, Hosio S & Riekki J (2007)
Middleware Based User Interface Migration: Implementation and Evaluation
Proc. International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility), Singapore, 2007
Salminen T, Hosio S & Riekki J (2006)
Enhancing Bluetooth Connectivity with RFID
Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (Percom), Pisa, Italy, 2006
Salminen T, Hosio S & Riekki J (2006)
System Support for User Interface Migration on Mobile Phones
Proc. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Palo Alto, Ca, US, 2006
Salminen T, Hosio S & Riekki J (2006)
Region-Based Positioning Method for Cellular Networks
Proc. IEE Mobility Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2006
Chiti F, Fantacci R, Esposito F, Hosio S & Sun J (2006)
Agent Based Adaptive Management of Non-Homogeneous Connectivity Resources
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Istanbul, TURKEY, 2006
Riekki J, Salminen T, Hosio S & Alakärppä I.(2005)
Requesting services by touching objects in the environment.
Proc. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NE, US, 2005
Esposito F, Chiti F, Sun J & Hosio S (2005)
Non-Homogeneous Connectivity Management for GPRS and Bluetooth Enabled Networks
Proc. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2005
Other Publications
Alakärppä I, Andersson K, Johansson D, Hosio S & Ojala T (2014)
Nimo overall architecture and service enablers
Luleå University of Technology, Technical rep
Hosio S (2014)
Leveraging Social Networking Services on Multipurpose Public Displays
Doctoral dissertation, University of Oulu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. Series C, Technica 500. ISBN: 978-952-62-0527-4. September 2014
Kostakos V, Hosio S & Goncalves J (2012)
Correlating Pedestrian Flows and Search Engine Queries,
Hosio S (2009)
Augmenting Public Spaces with Social Media Elements to Enhance Awareness and Interaction
Master’s thesis, University of Oulu, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. December 2009
Non-Academic Media (selected) by Academy of Finland (04/2018): Joukkoäly valjastettiin kivuntorjuntaan (wisdom of the crowd harnessed for pain prevention)
Yle, Finnish Broadcasting Company (03/2018): Bottiarmeija tyrkyttää suomalaisille kuumia deittejä – seurauksena tolkuttomasti roskapostia (Bot-army pushing Finnish people hot dates – results in loads of SPAM)
The Economist (04/2016): Buddy, can you spare a watt?
Kaleva – (01/2016): Oulun yliopisto kitkee rasismia joukkoälyllä (University of Oulu fighting racism with wisdom of the crowd)
Forum (01/2016): Crowdsourcing mot nättroll (Against Internet trolls using Crowdsourcing)
Kaleva (03/2016) – Joukkoälyllä kivun kimppuun (Tackling pain using a platform for wisdom of the crowd)
Tekniikka & Talous (09/2014) – Yhteisöpalvelut valtaavat julkiset näytöt (Social networking services conquering public displays)
New Scientist / Gizmodo (07/2013) Use a bus stop touchscreen to kill time – and help out